The Acro-Chaps are David, Tony and Jamie - and very dashing young men they are! Firm believers that there is nothing in life that cannot be improved by the application of a good moustache, these three intrepid fellows set out to entertain, dazzle and amaze...

David Downie - The "Strong" one…
David will usually be found at the base of the human pyramids as it's his great strength that's the foundation stone for this amazing acrobatic troupe. He grew his first whiskers at the tender age of 7, and less than a year later this had developed into his full "handlebar" moustache. His moustache was the envy of his junior school! He came into circus at the relatively late age of 26, but what started as a hobby soon became a passion and then a full time job. His first professional engagement was with a touring production of "Barnum the musical" and since then David has worked as an acrobat all over the world - Hong Kong, Dubai, China, Thailand, India, Pakistan and many other places.

Jamie Frith - The "Brave" one…
Jamie is known to be completely fearless and he's usually the brave chap found balanced precariously on top of a human pyramid. He is also a clever fellow, having obtained a 1st class degree in maths from Cambridge University - he specialised in the structural mathematics of the perfect "walrus" moustache. Jamie soon decided that the world of maths was not for him as there was a distinct lack of gentlemen with moustaches - so he ran away to a circus school called Circomedia. Here, he soon joined forces with the other Acro-Chaps and has since worked in many exotic places, such as Hong Hong, McDonalds and Dubai.

Tony Phipps - The "Handsome" one…
Tony is a vain devil and will normally be found primping and preening in front of a mirror, just prior to a show, to ensure that he looks his best for any young fillies present. He was more follicularly challenged than the other Acro-Chaps with his first full moustache not developing until his mid twenties. But, by golly, the wait was worth it as he now sports a very dapper "tache"! When not waving at the ladies, Tony is a very talented acrobatic and he can often be found balanced on his hands in all sorts of weird the other Chaps, Tony has travelled all around the world with his acrobatic work and while doing this he has gathered some top photos of the worlds best facial hair!

The Chaps! Victor, Ian and younger brother Barnaby. Looking very dashing replete with resplendent moustaches! Image overlay. Used to show the bios on hover David Downie - The Strong One Jamie Frith - The Brave One Tony Phipps - The Handsome One
Witness the skill of our vivacious, victorious, Victorian strong men. Moustache!